About Me

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Well hello there :) Mai for short and I'm 16 . Welcome to my second blog .My dad asks me to do this blog and write everything in English. And that's the only way for me to improve my English . Thanks for the support dad , iloveyou :')


Blog Archive

Monday 11 April 2011

A little words from your student :)

Okayy so heyy :)
Yes this is my second blog ;)
In my first blog ,
I wrote everything about my daily life in Malays mostly .
First blog ? Well click here
But in this blog I'm trying to write everything in English .
My dad will guide me in English since for me his the Master of English ;)
So friends ,
if there any grammars or vocab errors ,
teach me since I'm not a good writer .
But I'll keep trying .
Practice makes perfect isn't ?
Your student ,
Maisarah Mahmud :)

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