About Me

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Well hello there :) Mai for short and I'm 16 . Welcome to my second blog .My dad asks me to do this blog and write everything in English. And that's the only way for me to improve my English . Thanks for the support dad , iloveyou :')


Blog Archive

Monday 11 April 2011

Awesome juniors :*

Okayy talking bout having an awesome juniors ,
I truly had been given that gift .
First of all yes ,
my gorgeous , Nur Nabila :)

Yes she's adorable but sometimes with me ,
she is so shame hikhik ;)
And yes not forget ,
my two little happiness :)
Athilya Azzra and Nurul Nadirah :)

Azzra is kinda happy-go-lucky girl and I love her smile :)
See there on her cheek , there's a dimple .
hehe and the dimple was cute :>
Okayy talking bout Nurul ,
Nurul is kinda tough , has a loud voice and yet she's still has the sweetest face ever :)
I love her face because she's looking adorable ;)
then meet my caring junior ,
Aishah Humaira :)

Don't ask , her English was superb !
Yes more superb than me , she's talking english very well .
And I admirer her English Language :)
And not forget ,
 Nameerah and Zahirah ,
Iloveyou guys tooo , no worries :]
I'll always be your sister :)
But when can we take some photos just me and you ?
hehe xD
I wanna put in my blog ;)
Smart Niaga maybe hehhh ;)
So guys ,
off to bed ,
goodnight :)


  1. Maitoyah,

    "My dad asks me to do this blog and write everything in it with English Language . And that's the only way for me to improve my weakness towards English"


    "My dad asks me to do this blog and write everything in English. And that's the only way for me to improve my English"

  2. Abahhhhhhhhhhhh ,
    thousand time I told you , my name is MAISARAH .
    Abohh abohhh =.=
    Hehh okayy nnt sarah tukar , thanks :)
