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Well hello there :) Mai for short and I'm 16 . Welcome to my second blog .My dad asks me to do this blog and write everything in English. And that's the only way for me to improve my English . Thanks for the support dad , iloveyou :')


Blog Archive

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Proverb .

Okayy so hello there :)
Yes now it's 10.30 p.m and I'm still not sleepy .
Too much problem ,
it's not a problem actually but I created the problem myself .

My dad told me ,
we control our feelings ,
but this pressure killing me >.<
Mid year exam , full paper SPM format .
I have to write 3 essay out of 5 essay for my history exam .
My dad asks me to get A's for history subjects ,
but I'm like errr but no worries I'll try my best dad :')
Ever heard this proverb ,
Rome was not built in a day .
I love that proverb .
My dad told me , things ain't gonna be drastically change but it will take time :)
Yes especially when it comes for learning addmath .
Killer addmath :|
And not forget ,
I also loves this proverb ,
wishing a snowman a happy summer .
Ouhh I pick this words from my literature books bi title QWERTYUIOP . :)
Then then ,
there are some more :p ,
off to cloud nine .
most of you guys must have heard this proverb isn't ?
yess it means when we're too happy :)
So I think that's all for now ,
wanna revise some subjects ,
goodnight :)

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Today .

So hello there friends ;)
So how are you ?
Me ? Felt relieved .
Alhamdulillah :)
Why ?
My class teacher told me there would be no streaming.
Probably we'll be streamed mid year .
Thanks God for hearing my prayer , Alhamdulillah .
I ask God to give me one more chance to prove that I'm qualified to enter 4sb .
And yes God had hearing my prayers , Alhamdulillah :)
3 weeks from now will be our mid term ,
pray for me :) 
I don't want to let my parents down again .
Then today in school ,
I saw kak yanaaaaaa .
When I saw her ,
I run off and hugged her .
yes I miss her so much .
When she hugged me , she doesn't hug my body , but she hug my soul :')
Iloveyou :*
She's the only person who truly understand my feelings .
And she's the only person who motivated me like a lot .
Thanks :)
Okayy guys ,
I think that's all for now ,
kinda tired , goodnight :)

Monday 11 April 2011

Awesome juniors :*

Okayy talking bout having an awesome juniors ,
I truly had been given that gift .
First of all yes ,
my gorgeous , Nur Nabila :)

Yes she's adorable but sometimes with me ,
she is so shame hikhik ;)
And yes not forget ,
my two little happiness :)
Athilya Azzra and Nurul Nadirah :)

Azzra is kinda happy-go-lucky girl and I love her smile :)
See there on her cheek , there's a dimple .
hehe and the dimple was cute :>
Okayy talking bout Nurul ,
Nurul is kinda tough , has a loud voice and yet she's still has the sweetest face ever :)
I love her face because she's looking adorable ;)
then meet my caring junior ,
Aishah Humaira :)

Don't ask , her English was superb !
Yes more superb than me , she's talking english very well .
And I admirer her English Language :)
And not forget ,
 Nameerah and Zahirah ,
Iloveyou guys tooo , no worries :]
I'll always be your sister :)
But when can we take some photos just me and you ?
hehe xD
I wanna put in my blog ;)
Smart Niaga maybe hehhh ;)
So guys ,
off to bed ,
goodnight :)

A big congratulations .

Well it's me again :)
So how's life going hehh ?
Okayy in this posts ,
I wanna wish my one and only brother , Adam Mahmud  a big congratulations .

A big congratulations to you because won the football team at the final .
Okay the final was held at SABS and SMART was compete with SMK Pelabuhan .
I heard the score was 3-2 .
I was like wowwwwww :O
So guys , congrats ;)

A little words from your student :)

Okayy so heyy :)
Yes this is my second blog ;)
In my first blog ,
I wrote everything about my daily life in Malays mostly .
First blog ? Well click here
But in this blog I'm trying to write everything in English .
My dad will guide me in English since for me his the Master of English ;)
So friends ,
if there any grammars or vocab errors ,
teach me since I'm not a good writer .
But I'll keep trying .
Practice makes perfect isn't ?
Your student ,
Maisarah Mahmud :)